Today was Hillander School's 'Meet the Teacher Day!' Kayleigh got to meet her new teacher for kindergarten. That's right people, kindergarten! She is going to have Mrs. Vaughan this year. I'm really glad that is who she got, I hear she is an amazing teacher, she seems really sweet! She got to see where her desk is and who all else would be in her class. There are several new kids in there and some old faces as well. I really hope that there are some really sweet girls for her to play with. I am really glad, too, that there are some of the same boys from last year in her class again, I really like there moms! Anyway, her first day of school is on Monday, so I will have a full report on that, too! Stay tuned for full coverage!
Ragu Bianco with Pasta
5 months ago
I love her headband! Where did you get it? I always think she's older than she is... I think she just looks so mature! Kindergarten... she's going to love it!
I got her headband at CrewCuts, which is J Crew's kids store. They have it in silver, light pink, navy and hot pink. They're so cute, huh? We think she's older than she is sometimes too! She's so grown up!
I love these poses! She's so ready for school!
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