Wednesday, July 28, 2010

3 weeks, already!

Where does time get away to? It seems the last three were but just a vapor. Today, Joel is three weeks old! In the words of Kayleigh, "Seriously, how is that possible?!" Not only is he three weeks old today, this evening, he lost his cord, giving him a precious little belly button. I won't elaborate on how much this event upsets me. Suffice it to say I'm sad that the itty-bitty newborn phase is officially over.

It has been a great week so far, I have to say. I hit it hard with the BabyWise program with Joel this week. I had caught myself really setting myself up for heartache down the road with how much I had been holding him and rocking him to sleep. Sweet, sure, but he was never going to learn to fall asleep on his own that way. There were a couple days where he was up for 4 or 5 hour stretches and was getting really fussy. Of course he was, he was exhausted. But I hadn't been following my plan and allowing him to learn to sleep on his own. Enter BabyWise-nazi. I started this feat on Monday, and he has not missed a beat so far. I am so thankful! I may just have another great sleeper on my hands...thank you BabyWise. You are my hero! Here is a sampling of the fruits of my labor...


The Jungs said...

Oh Shawnie, these are beautiful. What a sweet sweet boy. I can't wait to hold him one day!! And, can Jeffrey please come and take pictures of my kids??? These are incredible!

Joshua, Jenni-brooke and Kiersten-brooke Leeper said...

Who took the pictures!? DId y'all edit with Photoshop!?